On this page we will tell you about ourselves.
Our Church

New Bildad Primitive Baptist Church was established in 1809 in Dekalb County Tennessee. God has been gracious to us here at
New Bildad.
Who Are the Primitive Baptists? People
are often surprised to learn that a church named "Primitive Baptist" is not backward, archaic, and generally out-of-date.
Why, seeing that we enjoy the comforts of modern living, do we identify ourselves as "primitive"? As a church, we make
a sincere effort to maintain the practice and doctrine exhibited in the New Testament, despite changing values and customs
around us. Therefore, we are "primitive", meaning first or original. But our message? The message from the Primitive
Baptist pulpits all over America is as up-to-date as the morning newspaper. What could be more current than to hear of a sovereign
God who is infinitely concerned for the welfare of his people? His interest is so great that He gave Jesus Christ, His only
begotten Son, as the sinbearer that all His family might safely live with God after life on earth has ended. But that's
not the end of the message. Not only did God make arrangements for His family to live in Heaven, God provides daily
guidance for His servants as they face the choices, decisions, trials, and conflicts of life. Learning how to make the
right choices - the ones that will honor God - is a principle part of Christian activity. Therefore much is heard from our
ministers about godly daily living. We feel that you might find a Bible-based worship service among the Primitive Baptists
refreshing. Sometimes the hectic machinery of modern religion detracts from the simple, but central message of "Jesus Christ
and Him crucified." Therefore, we invite you to experience the thrill of stepping into a time tunnel, walking in "the
old paths", and worshipping in a manner that is 2000 years old.
See location and our services if you would like to visit us. May God's blessings be upon you!
New Bildad Primitive Baptist Articles of Faith
- We believe in only one true and living God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and these three in one.
- We believe that Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are Divine authority and the only rule of faith and practice.
- We believe in the total depravity of the human nature and that a recovery from that state is wholly of the free sovereign
mercy and grace of God in Jesus Christ.
- We believe that God from eternity purposed to save a people from their sins for His own name's sake, and in His infinite
wisdom, He devised the plan and appointed every means necessary to accomplish the great end of their redemption, which He
effects in His own time by the operation of the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that God from eternity purposed in himself for His own glory to make a display of His wisdom, power, justice,
goodness, and truth in the world of creation and revelation which He made in the disposition of His providence.
- We believe that sinners are justified before God by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ and such as are born of
the Spirit of God are kept by the power of God through faith unto eternal salvation.
- We believe that good works are the effects of the faith of God's elect and follow being born of the Spirit of God and
are evidence of a gracious state.
- We believe that Baptism, The Lord's Supper and washing of the saints' feet are ordinances of Jesus Christ and none but
those who have professed in Christ according to His will are fit subjects for either.
- We believe that Baptism by the burial of the person in water is the gospel baptism of the penitent in Jesus Christ.
- We believe that no minister has any right to administer the ordinances of Baptism only such as have been regularly baptized
and come under the imposition of the hands of the Presbytery by the authority of the Church of Christ.
- We believe in the resurrection of the dead and that their vile bodies will be raised and fashioned like unto the glorious
body of Christ, when they will be fitted for eternal happiness and the bodies of the wicked will be raised unto everlasting
Our True Desire is to worship the Lord in Spirit and truth.