The Doctrines of Grace TOTAL Depravity- All men are sinners in the sight of God having inherited their sinful nature from the first man, Adam. If left in their sinful state they cannot please God, but but will be forever under His wrath and condemnation. (Rom. 3:10-12,Rom. 5:12).
UNCONDITIONAL Election- Before the world began God chose or elected a great multitude of people to be saved from their sins. God's Election which results in salvation is not based upon the works or the will of the chosen, but was based on the works Christ would do for the elect. (Eph 1:4; Rev. 7:9-10; Rom. 9:7-16; Eph. 2:8-10) LIMITED Atonement- The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the sin was made only for the elected ones which were given Jesus by the His Father. Every single person Given to Jesus and for whom he died shall recieve salvation of God and the joys of eternal life.(Matt.1:21; John 6:38-39) IRRESISTIBLE Grace-All those who are elected by The Father and redeemed by the Son shall be drawn to God with an everlasting Salvation. nothing shall hinder God from carrying out his purpose and plan of salvation of those who are the objects of his love. (Jer. 31:3; Dan. 4:34-35; John 17:2) PRESERVATION of the Saints-None of those who have been chosen of God and for whom Christ died shall never fall away from God's saving Grace so as to be eternally lost, but shall recieve their eternal inheritance in the glorious pressence of God. (Rom,8:28-31; 1 Pet. 1:3-5) |
God Is Remember the former things of old: for I am God and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand I will do all my pleasure. Isaiah 46: 9-10
OMNISCIENT: Knowing all things; infinitely wise. OMNIPOTENT: Having unlimited power; all-powerful. OMNIPRESENT: Everywhere: The state being everywhere at once. Now the Bible tells us that God is all of the above. He knows everything. He is everywhere present and nowhere absent. He speakes and it is done. So if this Great God wants to save sinners who can stop him? Not the devil. Not even the sinner under consideration. You see there is only one GOD. And only he is OMNISCIENT, OMNIPOTENT, and OMNIPRESENT. To GOD be the glory. |